Dear Parents,

Welcome back everyone, we hope that you’ve had a wonderful break with family and loved ones.

We have been having an enjoyable and a productive Term 2. There have already been many exciting activities happening as well as planned for the term and our staff are working together to provide rewarding learning experiences for each student.

Students’ Illnesses

With the cooler months now well upon us and a very chilly start to the term, the number of sick children is naturally on the increase. I wish to take this opportunity to remind parents that even though I keep mentioning about the importance of attendance at school, please keep children at home if they show symptoms of being unwell to minimize the risk of illnesses spreading to other students in the class. We called a few parents last week to pick their sick children up from school.

Although our children do not seem to feel the cold as much as the adults, they still need to be dressed appropriately for the cooler conditions. We ask that parents send children with their jackets to school. Please also ensure all items of clothing are named as our tub of lost property is overflowing with jackets that are unnamed.

Commemorative Year 6 T-Shirts

Year Six students will be purchasing rugby-style tops as commemorative shirts for their final year at school. Aside from being a valued memento for the coming years, these great shirts will be creating a lasting bond amongst the group as they prepare to move to high school next year. With the names of all their class-mates on the back of their shirts, students will be able to keep them as a memento of their last year of primary school.

The shirts look great and I am sure Year 6 students will wear them proudly.


2022 Foundation Enrolments are now open. We do have limited places in Years 1-6 for next year. If you have a child who is ready to start Foundation class in 2022 or know of any prospective families, please inform those parents to contact us for any further information or to arrange a school tour. Online applications can still be made now from the Sirius College website.

Wish you all a very Happy Eid with your family and friends!

Mrs. Tarbinder Pandher
Primary Coordinator